Trails to the Past


Cerro Gordo County



Progressive Men of Iowa


MARSTON,Charles Samuel, of Mason City, is one of the most promising young physicians of that section of the state.  Like so many other successful professional men, he is the son of a farmer, and was brought up in the country. His father, G. W. Marston, still lives on the homestead in Illinois, where his family of seven children grew up. He was a veteran of the civil war., having enlisted in the Fifteenth Illinois infantry on the first call.  He fought in several battles, and at the battle of Shiloh received three wounds, and was soon afterwards discharged on account of his disabilities.

The Marstons are descendants of an old New England family, the doctor's great-grandfather having been wounded at the battle of Bunker Hill. The family originally lived in Vermont and New York, but migrated to Illinois early in the 40's. The doctor's mother, Sarah Scott, came from Pennsylvania to Illinois when she was a child, and previous to her marriage was a prominent teacher. She is the daughter of Amos Scott, a retired physician, and on her mother's side is a direct descendant of the McCarty's, who are known in history for the important part they took in the early Indian wars in Pennsylvania.

Dr. Charles Marston was born February 6, 1870, near Seward, Winnebago county, 111., and was the third of seven children, the oldest being Anson, who is now professor of civil engineering at the Iowa State college at Ames. He obtained his general education in the country schools and in the high school at Rockford, 111., and in the meantime worked on the farm during vacations.  In 1888, at the age of 18, he secured a position as clerk in a drug store at Rockford, where he remained two years, at the same time studying medicine under Dr. R.  Sager. He entered Rush Medical college at Chicago in 1890, graduating March 29, 1893.

Immediately after his graduation he came to Mason City and began the practice of medicine, in which he was most successful. Dr. Marston is a member of the Baptist church. In politics he is a republican. He was married July 15, 1890, to Miss Evelyn Scott, daughter of Frank B.  Scott, deceased (a member of the Second Illinois cavalry in the civil war), and a great - great - granddaughter of General Chrystiler, who was killed in the revolutionary war. Dr. and Mrs. Marston have two children: Evelyn Frances, who was born August 8, 1893, and Dorris Mardeine, born December 21, 1898.





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