History of Allamakee
County W. E.
Alexander 1882
1861. Wm. S. Orr, k, Atlantic, July 21, 64. Geo. W. Smith. Hiram
L. Wait. Jasper Fulton, d, Macon, Ga, Sept. 29, 62. Reuben Dinger,
d, March, 64.
FIFTH INFANTRY. Co. I. Richard Barrett.
Co. K
Geo. H. Stevens, Capt., d, Port Hudson. 63. Chas. A.
Comstock, Capt. E. B. Bascom, Capt. Stephen W. Smith, 2nd
Lient., k, at Iuka, 62. Samuel A. Cooper. Davis Googins. J.
S. Gardner, k, Vicksburg. C. E. Walrath. W. W.
Woodmansee. J. W. Austin. A. B. Travis. Cyrus
Miner. |
Christian Bartshe. Louis Brewer. C. G. Beeler. G.
W. Botsford. C. M. Chery. J. W. Cowles. Henry Papka, d,
Jefferson City. Henry Pope. Nathaniel Philbrick. Wm. T.
Powell. M. D. Rublee. Chas. H. Lercreuce. H. D.
Spaulding. J. Sheidecker, k, Iuka, '62. S. C.
Thomas. |
Fry. W. Presho. J. A. Fosdick. Jacob Ryder. Nelson
Clark. Chas V. Clark, d, Dec. 29, '63. David Dewey. S. H.
Davis. Homer Ellis, k, Iuka, '62. John W. Holly. J. W.
Hudson. Joel. C. Hall. John J. Caugh. Nicholas
Klees. Paul M. Krohn. |
W. E. Lytle, d, Iuka, '62. Jas. W
Manson, d, Memphis, '64. A. J. Oyle. M. T. Sparks. Wm. F.
Stirts. k, Champion Hill, '63 Michael Shindler. John W.
Smith. Andrew Soll. David D. Terrill. Newton E.
Terrill. Edwin Taylor. J. Wampler, d, Otterville, Mo. Wm.
K. Gardner. C. G. Beeles. Chas.
Rannish. | p>
Co. E
Franz Warner.
Co. H. J. W. Phillips, Capt. Edward
Ryan, Hans Simonson, Wm. A. Bentley, Elias Randall. Hugh
K. Phillips, Franklin Morgan, Hiram Clark, d. Oct.,
'63. Samuel Barr, Joseph Lamont, Jacob 0lesen, Garret
Purcell. James S. Smith, L. W. Green, James M. Barr, |
Co. I. George S, Rice. John Gemmell, d. Miss.,
'63. John S. Mather, Squire
| p>
Co. C
W. C. Earle, Capt., Col. 71st A. D. Lyman H. Merrill. 1st
Lieut., d. rebel prison., Montgomery, May 29, 1862. J. H. Borger,
1st. Lieut. John D. Cole, 2d Lieut., 1st Lieut. Vet. R. C. J.
D. Spaulding, Stephen Thibodo, John Upstrorm, George
Ibach, Win. P. Winter, Elisha J. White, George
Bailey, L. D. Bearce, Elias Repp, Daniel Harbaugh, d Macon,
Oct. 18, 62. J. P. Jackson. 1st Lieut. Watson R. Hanscom,
Captain. Hubbard Goodrich, Frank E. Hancock, d. Annapolis,
Oct. 27, '62. Adam Decker, Cornelius Denny, John Dowling,
Isaac Edwards, Matthias Englehorn, George Ettle, John
Feidt, J. B. Beisel, d. '65. Wesley B. Bort, Madison J.
Roe, d. Macon, 62, H. R. Andrews, O.F.
Adams, Gustavus Brock, John L. Bryant, d. Macon,
62. Josiah H. Butts, George Calico, d. St. Louis,
'62. L. B. Churchill, Henry Jones, Charles King, d, Macon,
'62, Frank Klees, Henry Kuck, d. Macon, '62. Hans
Knudtson, Aslak Larsen, August Lene, k. Tupelo,
'64. |
Edward Lewis, Wm. F. Maynard, d. Vicksburg, 61, Hugh
McCabe, Frank McKay, Bryan McGuire, Jasper J. Miner,
d. St. Louis, '61, Frederick Monk, Alonzo Noyes, Charles H.
Noyes, d. Macon. '62. Joseph Scott, d. St Louis,
'61, Joseph Starts, John J. Stillman, k, Donelson Feb 13,
1862. Knud Thronsen, d. Atlanta, '62. Jesse Thayer, Robert
Wampler, Isaac Woodmansee, William M. White, d. Macon,
'62. Edwin W. Wood. Stephen Wood, C. Clevens, d. Macon,
'62, Geo. Candee,
A. C. Bushnell, D. W. Reed, Major 12th Regt. Jacob M.
Husted, d. Memphis, '64. A. L. Brown, John McElvain. D.
Thomas Dowling, R. G. Pratt, C. S. Smith, A. K.
Bort, Edwin T. Greenup, d. Memphis, '64. Stephen H.
Greenup. Lawrence Hannon, d. Cairo, 64, Knud
Iverson, George F. Nye, d. Nov. 16, '63. M. H. Pratt, Jacob
Beisel, P. Bowe, Wm. L. Bailey, Jo H. Huestis, Hans
Knudson, Ansel E. Mann, Orin E. Peck, d. Memphis, '64, John
P. Peck. Lewis Johnson. F. H.
| P>
Co. F Abram S.
Co. G S. M. N.
I John Devine. John W. Miller, d. Memphis,
Co. K John
Turlton Henry C. Merriam, Daniel Fagan. Frank Keizer Isaac Mickey,
Co. not given D. A. Walcott, d.
Taladego 65.
Co. A
James I Gilbert, Colonel. Charles A. Comstock,
Adjutant. David N. Bordwell, Chaplain. P. J. Harrington,
Sergt-Major. Darius C. Mather, Fife-Major. A.M. Haslip,
Captain, d. Montgomery July 3, '65. Jedediah N. Granger, 1st
Lieut., Capt. Wm. H. Tuttle, W. D. Harden. 2d Lieut. Reuben
K. Hall Charles 0. Thompson James Patterson, d Jackson, Tenn.
'63 Charles M Bailey, John W. Pratt, 1st Lieut., Austin
Kimberly, James D. Maltbie, Thomas McLenan F B R Kussell,
d. Tupelo, '64. John J Beedy. Allen Blanchard
Truman Stoddard, George W. Allen, 0 C Adams, d.
Cairo '63. John D. Adams, d. Cairo, 62. Wm.
Barnoble, Samuel Dobson, d. Cairo 62.
Gates Lucius Green D.
Gardner Washington Gill Henry
Hill Hiram Hawkins J Y Hawthorn Wm Hawthorn Wm V
Ingalls Melvin E Mann C C Marston, d Jackson. Tenn, '64 W H
Morrison C
Linus Maxam Milton D Miller, d Memphis, '64 C
F Mitchell Wm J Miller Wm T. Merrian k Old Town Creek
'64 Jas W McClasky, d Memphis '65 Meredith McGee James A
Lyons, 2d Lieut. C. S. Richardson, d. Jackson, Tenn. April 12,
'63. Wm Crane James W Blacker Hezekiah Biggs
Bishop Albert N Bond James Briar Henry Baker E C
Ballard Elisha Cuney Alex F Cooksey d Memphis '64 Charles N Colburn
Wm S Connor, k Yellow Bayou '64 Daniel Cole John
Chapman Reuben Daniels S G Dodge T B Douglas Joseph
Damon Warren Baird, d Little Rock '63 John Pixley W S
Raymond E B Raymond Charles Rumph, Lieut. A D Romain
Ryder John E Randall Ezra W Reed George W Sherman Alonzo D
Daniel H Shaff Wm B Slick Wm Shroda L M
Schriber Charles W Schriber
Wm Shortreed E M Stephens Joseph B. Smith Wm A
Stewart W H Thornburg Geo W Topliff, d Jackson, Tenn,
'63 Jas R Newcomb Wm Niblock Hiram Ogg James Osborn, d
Memphis, '64 Jefferson Osborne, d Dubuque '62 A J
Patterson Junius Patterson, d Memphis 63 G B. Pratt, d April
17 '65. Wm J Savoie, d Red River, '61 Alonzo
Thornton Jefferson P Thorp, d Vicksburg '64 David R
Walker Wm Wheeler d Prairie du Chien, 65 Charles Cole d
Memphis 64 Lemuel Pratt Wm H Crouch Edward Conner Elijah Perry, d Memphis,
'64 FONT> |
Co. B
S. W. Hemenway Capt. Theo. Groezinger, 1st
Lt. Samuel 0. Smith, 2d Lt., Capt. Robt.
H. Williams. Robt. Baender. J. T.
Robinson. John Coroll, 1st Lt. Julius
Nelson. Levi Donnor, d, Wis., Nov.,
'65. J. D. Harrington. Roan C.
May. Jas. Ruth, Capt. Co. F. 6th Cav. Wm.
J. Hutson, 2d Lt. Geo. W. Griswold, d, Wis.,
Jan., 65 G. W. Hartshorn. John
Dignan. Robt. Fennel. Ole Anderson. T.
A. Anderson. John Alcorn. Isaac
Alcorn. Wm. Bates. S. W. Bates. G.
Berdell, d, Jackson, Tenn. N.
H. Botsford. Dason Barnes, d, Jan.,
'61. Wm.
Burnham. Jas. H. May. A. B.
Marshall. George Melton. John S.
Monk. John Moyer, d, at Memphis, '63. R.
D. McKnight. C. H. Maxwell. Nelson Milks,
d, Memphis, '61. John Myers. D.
Obert. Peter Oleson. Edmund
Peacock. Walter J. Pfaff. A. Peterson, d,
Nashville, '64. Milton T. Reed, d, Jackson,
Tenn, '63. Emil Roese. Wm.
Roese. Richard Roese. P.
Ruprecht. Phineas Smith. S.
Skjursen. Elisha Bennett. |
George Burgess. W. G.
Coppernoll. Peter Conner, d, Memphis,
'64. George
Cornwall. Stephen Dobbs. C.
K. Dodds. Frisbie Davis. Augustus
Eck. Joseph Green. John Ginther. Geo.
B. Goble. Richard Griffin. Peter
Griffin. E. J. Hutson, d, Jackson, Tenn.,
'63. N. D. Hutson. H. P. Harding, d, Ft.
Snelling, Dec '63 John Hermanson. S. J.
Hartshorn. Joseph Hawes. Pulaski
Hughes. Hans Hanson, d, Cairo, Dec.,
'62. Thos. B. Hall. Robt. S.
Jackson. John Kohr. Jas. Langford. |
George McKee. John Syres. Andrew
Soderstrom. John Strohm, Wm. S. Sims, 2d
Lt., d, Aug., '65. John Pharp. Isaac
Wightman. Wm. H. Harrison. Franklin
Melton. J. W. Osgood, d, Bayou Cotille Apr
64 Geo. H. Rose. C. W. Sells, d. Jeff.
Barracks, '64. Daniel H. Wolcott. Ole G.
Anderson. E. Churchill. John Churchill, d,
Memphis, '64. William Dubois. Job
Ellsworth, d, Memphis, '64. Peter
Hector. Francis B. Hale, d, Memphis,
'64. Andrew Hector. Wm. E. Jackson. J.
Nielson, d, Memphis, '64. Chris.
Schneider. Fred Schulze. Wm.
Schulze. Emil Stingier. H. Strong, d,
Lansing, Jan., '64. William Strong. F. F.
Sturtevant. Wilhelm Schmidt. John
Brannan. Erick Iverson Oscar Obert, d,
La., '64. John A. Peterson. T. Roonsburg,
d, Columbus, Ky., 64 M. Anderson. Aretus
W. Butler. Wm. E. Gardner. Amon
Iverson. Thomas C. Medary. Frederick
Price. Perry Reed, d,
| p>
Co. C Alden E. Wolcott James
Barnes. Wm. Barnes.
Co. E Warren Clough. M. N.
Hancock. W. R. Reed.
Co. F Harvey Sargent. Alex
Co. H Walter F. Rich. E. S.
Stockwell. C. M. Stockwell.
Co. I
Geo. R. Miller, Capt. Edwin A. Sherburn,
1st Lieut., Capt Thos. B. Wiley James
Bryson J. H. Boom Henry Geesen S. W.
Moody, d, Memphis, '62 Frank Holman E.
Gillett Jesse Burgess Jackson
McClintock Jared Brown, d, Jackson, Tenn.,
'63 A. E. Colegrove Thos. W. David Geo.
Harvey Seth Craig Michael Carey Elias
Dubes Harvey Eells Tiffany Eells, d,
Jackson, '63 Daniel
Eells |
J. S. Fuller Chris. Fossum Henry
Gast L. Haskell, d, Jackson, Tenn.,
'63 P. Hulverson Hans Johnson J. S.
Mitchell A. McClintock J. G. Moore, d,
Jackson, Tenn., '63 J. L. Mattock E.
McClintock J. F. Oglevie A. B.
Conner H. B. Pettit W. J. Pardee, k,
Pleasant Hill, '64 Frank H. Robbins, 2d
Lieut. John A. Pool Martin Battle Lewis
S. Beall Alex Bryson |
Jas. Beall, d, Columbus, Ky., '64 Henry
Case Calvin H. Beall, d------ Chas.
Beeumer, d, Jackson, Tenn., '63 Solomon
Babesck J. N. Barlow T. J.
Coffman Samuel Craig, k, Pleasant Hill,
La. Gardner Clough Jus. H. Coffman Wm.
T. Stull James Stanley, d, Memphis,
'63 David M. Scott Jas. Skipworth A.
Sawvell Alfred Smith Daniel Tracy A.
Tannehill, d Jeff Barracks, '65 C. N.
Wheeler Geo.
Watkins |
A. P. Beeman, d, April 3, '64 Frank
Clark Jim. McClintock Robt E. Noble H.
L. Lewis, k, Old Town Creek, '64 David
Dial Lorenz Poeseh L. W. Scott Lewis
Lewis Daniel H. Wolcott Alden E.
Wolcott J. N. Pettit L. A. Powell, d,
Jackson. '63 E. Peabody, d, Jackson.
'63 J. Pinkerton, d, Memphis, '62 Peter
Lewis S. S. Robinson J. Henry Robbins, d,
Davenport, '64 Oliver A.
K Chas. T. Granger, Capt. Theo. C.
Granger Asa Bradway H. M. Harris
INFANTRY Co. A Jerome Callahan A.
Granaham Richard Hardy. Neil McCaffrey
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