to the Past of Iowa is accepting any donations of
genealogy materials that you may have such as marriage
announcements, news articles, old obituaries, births,
(you do not need the birth certificate) just the
information, and biographies. If you have any of
these items please contact me Marie
Miller the Iowa State
The land
that now forms Dallas County was ceded by the Sac and
Fox nation to the United States in a treaty signed on
October 11, 1842. On January 13, 1846, the legislative
body of the Indiana Territory authorized creation of
twelve counties in the Iowa Territory, with general
descriptions of their boundaries. Dallas County's name
referred to United States Vice President George M.
Dallas, who served from 1845 to 1849.
In 1847
the county residents voted to designate Penoch as the
county seat (the name was changed to Adel in 1849). The
county's population grew rapidly, with settlers coming
to claim homesteads. By 1870 the population had crossed
the 12,000 mark.
On Line
Data |

Cities Adel Bouton Clive
Dallas Center Dawson De
Soto Dexter Granger Grimes
Linden Minburn Perry Redfield Urbandale
Van Meter Waukee West Des Moines
Woodward Unincorporated
communities Booneville
Townships Adams Adel Beaver Boone Colfax Dallas Des
Moines Grant Lincoln Linn Spring
Valley Sugar Grove Union Van
Meter Walnut Washington |

Dallas County Court House
Adjacent counties Adair
- southwest Boone
County -
north Greene
County - north and
northwest Guthrie
County - west Madison
- south Polk
County - east Warren
The information
on Trails to the Past © Copyright may be used in personal family history research, with source citation. The pages in entirety may not be duplicated for publication in any fashion without the permission of the owner. Commercial use of any material on this site is not permitted. Please respect the wishes of those who have contributed their time and efforts to make this free site possible.~Thank you! |